Renoma Café Gallery

A Dining Experience by a Master Designer

Located in Bukit Bintang, Renoma Café Gallery is the brainchild of and personally founded by the famed master designer Maurice Renoma. This café is their first outside of Paris, a work of art, and an eye-opening showcase of the brand’s fashion and design philosophy.

The café serves a wide variety of French cuisine, all specially designed and prepared with the best ingredients and recipes. In addition, the menu selection is an integration of French cuisine and local dishes, resulting in delectable and diverse cuisine that’s uniquely exotic.

French cuisines are well-known for how the sauces are presented. Foie gras, a famous French dish, cooked to perfection and served with a house specialty sauce that’s a blend of papaya and pineapple, amongst others. It truly is a new experience for your taste buds.

For beef lovers, their L’Artison is a must try. It’s an awesomely large burger, made with a blend of 500 grams of beef, duck and foie gras. Looks alone is enough to make one drool over this delicious burger. For a tinge of local flavours, their special fries are served with a specially created sambal mayonnaise sauce.

Other notable chef recommendations are their Cured Muscovy Duck Breast Salad (or Air-dried Muscovy Duck Salad), Cod Meuniere (or Atlantic Black Cod) and the Rock Lobster Thermidor that’s served with grilled French cheese (or Lobster Tail). For a limited time, “Red Tomato” readers will receive a free* dessert for any main course.

*Terms and conditions apply.

There’s plenty more where that came from. Check out more of Renoma Café Gallery at:



落于武吉免登的Renoma Cafe Gallery是由著名设计大师Maurice Renoma亲手打造,也是亚洲区域的首家分店。概念新颖的展示着Renoma品牌的时尚设计哲学及艺术作品,让人大开眼界。


法国人在食物方面非常讲究酱料的呈现,首先,为大家推荐的莫过于著名的法国料理鹅肝Foie Gras。用微火把鹅肝煎得刚刚好的熟度,然后再配上以木瓜、黄梨等特制而成的酱料一起品尝,带给你味蕾的新体验。

至于,L’Artisan 500克重量的巨大牛肉汉堡,是牛肉爱好者不能错过的一道美食。让人惊艳的是牛肉内还夹着鸭肉和鹅肝,光看卖相就足以让人食欲大开。此外,你还可以把他们特制的薯条沾上以Sambal和美乃滋混合而成的酱料一起品尝,让你吃出本地风味。

其它值得推荐给大家的美食包括用茶叶腌制4天的熏鸭沙拉Cured Muscovy Duck Breast Salad、鳕鱼Cod Meuniere以及法国芝士烤龙虾Rock Lobster Thermidor。现在只要《红番茄》读者凭固本到该餐厅点选任何一款主菜,将会获赠一份甜品。



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